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Warriors of Faith Pulling Down Strongholds!


"This was the theme of the 2019 Prayer Conference.  As a presenter/facilitator of this conference, it was so very, very important that the attendees encounter the very "Tangible Presence" of the Holy Spirit from the time they entered the conference room until the time they said their final prayers and goodbyes.

During the conference, we discussed being in a season of Spiritual Warfare and that the most important Weapon we have is PRAYER! The conference from start to finish was saturated in PRAYER!

The room was bathed with the presence of the Spirit of GOD! The blending of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs knitted our minds and hearts together as the Spirit of Heartfelt Worship and Adoration unto GOD could be heard among His people. The "WORD of LIFE" on "Spiritual Warfare" was indeed proclaimed on last Sabbath. And What a WORD!  It was a powerful experience - an equipping of the people of GOD on how to recognize and differentiate between the "Natural" and the "Spiritual" Realms.


There are many battles we engage in today.....Be it money, control or matters of the heart. Very few of us know how to fight the right way or understand WHO we are really fighting against. To win ANY BATTLE, you've got to have the right strategy and the right resources because Victories Don't Come By Accident. It comes through Prayer. Prayer is the battle. Prayer is the victory. The Battle is real.

As Warriors of Faith, we walked away from the conference understanding in a more "Real" and "Serious" way that........"The Weapons of Our Warfare are Not Carnal, but Mighty through GOD to the Pulling Down of Strongholds; Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth  itself against the knowledge of GOD and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ". I look forward to next year's prayer conference. "

- Contributed by V.S.

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