My car engine died on the highway in Connecticut. Smoke was coming out. I ran the car to the side of the road and quickly got out in case it was catching fire. I didn't want it to explode with me inside.
I asked Jesus "What is going on?" This peace came over me and I could clearly hear Jesus saying to me "You're alright! You'll be fine" I went back inside the car while it was still smoking. The smell of the burning engine was so strong. I closed the door and prayed "The Warfare Prayer." "The Rules of Engagement" is always in my bag.
After praying, I stated: "God I know that this is not normal. I'm under attack the same way, I know that my mother is not well because we are under demonic attack. If I'm wrong Lord then I'll call AAA to tow me to the nearest mechanic in Connecticut. But, if I'm right that this was not normal then God send angels right now to fix the car and start the engine again."
Besides my mechanic angels, I also asked God to send a couple of warrior angels with swords of fire to deal with the unseen world of those who were attacking me. I opened my eyes, smoke was gone with all the bad smell. I started the car and engine was running again. My car didn't over heated. I had no lights on. I drove the car for another 3 hours due to traffic and it was like nothing ever happened. Praise God!!!
When I reached my mother's, my older brother forced me to go to a mechanic because he was still worried. I told him "OK, then you'll believe?" So, I went and 2 different mechanics checked my car and found nothing. They said "Are you sure smoke came out of it and smelled it burning and the engine died? I don't see anything at all that looked like something is wrong with the car. If you want to give me your money, I'll take it but there's nothing for me to fix."
I said, "Oh I believe you! My God already took care it for me!"
- Contributed by MG