Several years ago my daughters received a caterpillar kit as a gift. After a few weeks of nurturing them, the caterpillars stopped eating, hung upside down from the leaves, and spun themselves into silky cocoons. We were mesmerized by the cocoons, wishing we could see inside of them. It was within this protective casing that the caterpillars radically transformed their bodies. Though we could not see the changes, their metamorphosis was complete in just 14 days.
Complete conversion is often invisible to the naked eye, but the results are undeniable. The butterflies emerged from their cocoons with beautiful red, black, and brown wings designed like couture gowns on the runways of Paris. After taking a myriad of pictures of the butterflies, we decided to release them in our garden. Watching my daughters jumped with glee and shouted, “Fly high, fly higher!” I was reminded of a valuable lesson—we can’t fly, unless we embrace change and let go of everything that weighs us down.
What changes do you need to make in your life? Most of us need to make adjustments in order to achieve our full potential. Some of us need to change our mindsets, while others need a change of heart. It’s ironic that most Christians live in anticipation of the supernatural change mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52. It says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” However, we often hesitate to make the necessary changes in our lives that will ensure we experience the supernatural change.
Have you been yearning for such a conversion? You are not alone. I’ve have been too. God will help us once we surrender to His will. Surrender fully and then like a butterfly, you will experience a mind, body, and soul transformation.
- Excerpt from the book, Remember (Chapter 5: Change Is Constant)