We are them and they are us! Our life journey may differ but our stories have many commonalities. Amazing women consistently pray and trust in God no matter our circumstances.
Why one of these women do you relate to more?
Priscilla is an example of a Godly wife in the Bible: Throughout her marriage to Aquila, the couple was known for their powerful ministry and generosity to those in need.
Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus, Mary always put Jesus first. While she was hosting Him at her home with Martha, He commended her for "choosing the better" by sitting at His feet instead of being swayed by housework and entertaining duties.
Queen Esther showed great courage by telling the Persian king about a plan to assassinate him, and later, a plan to have all the Jews in Persia killed. With the power of prayer and bravery, she saved her people.
Deborah was the only female judge mentioned in the Bible, Deborah is known for being a compassionate leader (of which there weren't many in Biblical times).
Ruth the Moabite was an example of unwavering faith bravery in the Bible. After being widowed early in life, she stuck with her mother-in-law and followed God for all her days, believing he would provide for her.
Hannah desperately prayed for a son, and promised that she would dedicate his life to God. When God came through, she kept her word: She left her son Samuel to be raised in the temple (providing her son wisdom along the way). Hannah's faithfulness never faltered.
You are amazing! I pray you continue to reflect Christ each day.